Many of the newer crockpots come with clamps to hold the lids on if you’re transporting them to covered-dish dinners, taking a meal to a new mom, etc. But older models – or more basic models – don’t have this handy feature. I’ve had my lid slide around in the back of the car, and it’s not pretty! But there’s a simple solution.
All you’ll need is two large rubber bands. Hook the first rubber band under the slow cooker’s handle, stretch it up over the center of the cooker, and hook the other end over the lid’s knob. (You might want to keep a finger on the lid handle at this point, so the rubber band tension doesn’t flip the lid off. I haven’t had that happen, but you never know.) Stretch the second rubber band to hook around the opposite handle and around the lid.
The lid should now be secure.
This post is being shared at Proverbs 31 Thursdays, Works for Me Wednesday.
Transport Your Crockpot Without Spills is a post from: Titus 2 Homemaker
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